mixed media collage
the real story of creation by the apple tree – work in progress
Oh Eva
2024, digital collage of pictures of saints and copper engravings
O Eve, who is without sin.
Wisdom, queen of all, is crowned in you.

Oh Eva
This reimagination of Eve’s story does subvert the original biblical narrative in several key ways:
By stating that Eve is without sin, the text challenges the notion of original sin that has been a cornerstone of traditional Christian doctrine.
Associating Eve with wisdom (the apple from the tree of wisdom) and crowning her as its queen shifts the focus from disobedience to enlightenment, suggesting that the pursuit of knowledge is a noble endeavor rather than a sinful act.
This artistic representation is likely aimed at provoking thought and discussion about traditional narratives and their interpretations. By portraying Eve in a positive light, Uschi Siebauer invites viewers to reconsider the themes of knowledge, sin, and redemption, and to reflect on the role of women in religious and cultural stories.
The installation offers a fresh perspective on a well-known story, encouraging viewers to question established interpretations and to explore new meanings. This approach aligns with contemporary art’s broader goals of challenging norms and inspiring dialogue.
Art review by Nicholas Pavkovic, San Francisco, 2024
2024 Almvernissage, Peterbauer Alm 19-21.Juli 2024
Am Sudelfeld 1, Bayrischzell
Oh Adam
2024, assemblage of anatomical, religious and secular objects. Wood, glass, cardboard, melamine

Oh Adam
The central element of this work shows Adam revealing his ribs, indicating that someone can help themselves to his ribs, similar to the description in the story of the creation of Eve.
The figure, a collage of wood, cardboard and melamine, is placed in a wooden display case, a holy water container invites the viewer to perform a spontaneous spiritual act.
Eva und Adam, die ersten Menschen, formte Ich nach Meinem Bilde, und siehe, Ich trage in Mir alle Geschlechter. In Meiner unendlichen Weisheit und Liebe vereine Ich Männlichkeit, Weiblichkeit und alles dazwischen. Darum sollt ihr nicht richten über Geschlechter, noch sexuelle Vorlieben bewerten, noch geschlechtsspezifische Identifikationen ausschließen. Denn wie Ich alle in Meiner göttlichen Ganzheit vereine, so sollt auch ihr einander in Liebe und Verständnis annehmen. Jegliche Vielfalt ist ein Spiegel Meiner Schöpfung, und ein jeder Mensch, geschaffen nach Meinem Ebenbild, soll geehrt und akzeptiert werden. So sei es, jetzt und allezeit. Amen.